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Living Under Anxiety, Part 2

In Part 1, I shared about my over-striving ways and how my mind was like a constant treadmill. This crippled my relationship with God and led me to the point of burnout. I shared how I turned to Jesus to rebuild my whole way of life and way of thinking, relating it to the rebuilding of a car. When I reached the point where I couldn’t go on, I became hungry for the Lord to do something. I began to approach him with a more child-like faith and also began to pursue rest with a deeper understanding.

We are all affected by anxiety in some way. So many situations in our lives can cause stress; it’s a product of the broken world we live in. Sometimes life races by and we can be left feeling inadequate, restless and falling short of where we think we need to be.

For a moment, let’s picture anxiety as an elephant in the room we are in. For a while we might be able to ignore it and even keep it under control. It might be just a “baby elephant” sitting in the corner, not interfering with our overall state of mind. It might come and go. But for some of us, the elephant grows and grows until it takes over the room. It did for me and started to interfere with my day-to-day function. Even in the moments which should have been relaxing for me, I was still weighed down, like the man in the picture here who is unable to enjoy a nap on his comfy couch!

As I touched on in Part 1, we need help to “look under the rock” so we can begin to unpack the what is going on under all the anxiety. We need the Lord and His word; we need wise counsel; we need focused and intentional prayer. Even in all our time constraints and responsibilities, we must prioritise our inner and spiritual health or the “elephant” will stay on or grow bigger.  I have regretted living for years stressed and unhappy rather than taking the time to relearn, and reclaim the peace and joy that was possible much earlier.

Jesus knows what makes us tick and all that’s at the heart of our issues. I believe He wants to walk it all through with us. He understands what makes us thirst for more and over-strive, along with our doubts, fears and hurts. In John 4, we find a story about a life-changing conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at a well. He went up to a woman that society had discarded, asking her for a drink. They talked about water, culture, God and worship. She would have been intrigued and drawn in by His wisdom and touched by His acceptance. But what changed her the most was how He already KNEW her; how He spoke into the depths of her soul.

Her life was a bit of a mess. Jesus asked her to bring her husband over. She replied that she has no husband. In John 4:17b-18, we read, “Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.””

She seems like a restless soul to me. Reminds me a bit of my restlessness – which was not in the area of my love life, thankfully. But I sure was stuck in unhealthy cycles; restless and discontent, needing Jesus words to restore me. Jesus said to her, and I believe He says to every restless soul, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:13b-14

Using the beautiful metaphor of water, He promises 4 things no one else can give:

  1. The gift of living water from God – verse 10 says, “Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”” What Jesus offers here is something that we receive by faith and that is offered to all. What a valuable gift!
  2. Lasting satisfaction – like water quenches the thirst, He promises that we can be fully satisfied in Him. He says in verse 14, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.”
  3. A deep, abundant spiritual life – Jesus also says in verse 14 that what he gives us is like “a spring of water welling up. Springs come from deep in the earth; not easily drying up. What an amazing offer here for those feeling spiritually dry! The water is bubbling up and doesn’t stagnate – there’s life and energy in that spring! 
  4. Eternal Life “ a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (verse 14). His life, his love and all that is in Jesus goes on forever!

We can be like the Samaritan woman, drawing from “shallow wells” – things that make us feel better for a moment but keep us thirsty long-term. We can get caught up in it for years and not realise how restless and thirsty we really are, and not realise how valuable this gift of living water offered to us by Jesus is. The more we taste his water, the more we know Him and walk with Him, the more we will want to turn away from the streams that might look inviting but don’t provide what Jesus gives us. Have you tasted the difference between filtered water and tap water (it depends on how water is processed in your area)? I must admit that after drinking filtered water for years, I don’t enjoy tap water at all (call me a water snob! 😊)  But why would I choose to drink out of a regular tap when I have tasted and known the difference? And if we know our true and pure source, Jesus, and all He brings, why would we want to turn back to “shallow streams” to feed our egos and feed our souls?

When spoke to the Samaritan woman, He saw the “elephant” no one else was able to help her with – all that weighed on her; all she longed for. He quickly and gently got to the heart of the matter. This is what He does –  sees all the pressure we’re in, the weight we carry, and He wants to help us with it and help carry it. The more “drink His water” and rest in His love, I believe the smaller the “elephant” will become. Remember His words in Matthew 11:28-30 inviting us into His rest? Here it is again, this time from The Message: “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

How will You respond to the Jesus’ offer of living water and His invitation to come to Him for recovery and rest? 


“Lord Jesus, I thank you for offering a life to me that is deeper, and more satisfying than any other, and that’s eternal. This is the life I want, with You. Thankyou for caring about my sin and broken ways so much; all the way to the cross.  I admit that I have filled my life with things that don’t satisfy. I offer up these things_____________ (TRY TO NAME THEM). It’s You and Your living water; Your life that I need. I am sorry for doing things my way and ask that You would come and lead me in a new way; Your way. When I stray, continue to change me and lead me back to Your well that never runs dry.”

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


“Lord Jesus, I thank you for Your gift of life that’s abundant, deep, satisfying and eternal. Thankyou for pursuing the woman at the well and showing us how much You care for our needs; the deepest needs of the soul. Help us to grasp a deeper understanding what it means to really drink Your living water so we don’t turn to lesser streams. Lord, let Your presence come. Let Your living water flow right into the heart of all that drives us, where all our striving is; let all restlessness and anxiety melt into Your rest. Take every burden; take our faith beyond what we’ve known before and let the ripple effect be felt all around us! We thank and praise You for all that You are and do for us.

We pray all these things in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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